
Wood oil for white pigmented wood

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  • This wood oil can be used specifically to care for white pigmented, oiled wood or where a white pigment is desired. The oil has a water-repellent effect as well as protecting the wood from drying out. The oil is also 100% turpentine-free and developed only from the finest and purest oils. To provide optimal conditions for the wood, we recommen…
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  • This wood oil can be used specifically to care for white pigmented, oiled wood or where a white pigment is desired. The oil has a water-repellent effect as well as protecting the wood from drying out. The oil is also 100% turpentine-free and developed only from the finest and purest oils. To provide optimal conditions for the wood, we recommend that you use our wood cleaner before treating it with the wood oil.
  • Bolia er danskt merki sem sérhæfir sig í húsgögnum. Vörurnar frá Bolia eru í skandinavískum stíl og njóta mikilla vinsælda í evrópu. Hjá Bolia vinna margverðlaunaðir hönnuðir sem leggja hjarta og sál í hönnunina. Bolia merkið/verslunin er þekktast fyrir sérhönnuðu sófana sem viðskiptavinir setja saman eftir sinu höfði.

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  • Snúran
    Snúran ehf 537 5101 Ármúla 38, 108 Reykjavík

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