
Þjöppumælir fyrir dísil vélar, með aukahlutum, 10-60 bar

Description Car/Truck Service is a matter of confidence. When returning a vehicle to the customer, it is important to provide positive proof that all checks have been made. Using the MOTOMETER recording compression testers the check and the documentation of the compression pressure of an engine is comfortable and safe. The hard-copy recording charts provide irrefutable information on engine condi…
Description Car/Truck Service is a matter of confidence. When returning a vehicle to the customer, it is important to provide positive proof that all checks have been made. Using the MOTOMETER recording compression testers the check and the documentation of the compression pressure of an engine is comfortable and safe. The hard-copy recording charts provide irrefutable information on engine condition and are easily understood by the average vehicle owner. Content: 1 x Recording Compression Tester 10 – 60 bar with quick-connection coupling 1 x Pressure hose 1 x Angled extension 70° 1 x Extension 70mm 1 x Extension 105mm 100 x Recording charts 60 bar 1 x Instruction Manual 1 x Case

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæri.is 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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