
Gúmmíkónn með hraðlæsingu, 30°, Ø 21 mm

Description The MOTOMETER rubber cones with socket offer the option of measuring the compression pressure easy and quick on the openings of the spark plugs. We recommend for a precise measurement to use the adapters for spark plugs. Content: 1 x Rubber cone with socket 30°, ∅ 21 mm
Description The MOTOMETER rubber cones with socket offer the option of measuring the compression pressure easy and quick on the openings of the spark plugs. We recommend for a precise measurement to use the adapters for spark plugs. Content: 1 x Rubber cone with socket 30°, ∅ 21 mm

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæri.is 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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