
BCA MTNpro snjóflóðavesti

Ath! hylki fylgir ekki. Designed for high-performance mountain riding - the Float MtnPro vest avalanche airbag is a low profile pack/vest combo designed to carry avalanche gear - a few other essentials - and easily integrate with external equipment such as hydration systems or our BC link radios. Full front - side and back protection with 1mm of hard shell sandwiched between two layers of PE foam…
Ath! hylki fylgir ekki. Designed for high-performance mountain riding - the Float MtnPro vest avalanche airbag is a low profile pack/vest combo designed to carry avalanche gear - a few other essentials - and easily integrate with external equipment such as hydration systems or our BC link radios. Full front - side and back protection with 1mm of hard shell sandwiched between two layers of PE foam provide protection from trees - rocks - handle bars - or whatever else you might come across on your adventures. The Float MtnPro Vest has external shovel carry - secure dual side-release buckles over the front zip - articulated shoulders - and bigger pockets.

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