
SpiderWire Stealth® Smooth 12 Braid – Moss Green .13MM

DESCRIPTION SpiderWire® Stealth® Smooth 12 Braid is tightly woven with 12 PE fibers to create a tight, round braid that is strong and sensitive. It is silky smooth, thin and soft, causing it to be quiet through the guides.   ·       Woven with 12 PE fibres for a tight, round braid that is strong, sensitive, smooth and quiet ·       Soft and limp for long, effortless casts ·       Knots clinch eff…
DESCRIPTION SpiderWire® Stealth® Smooth 12 Braid is tightly woven with 12 PE fibers to create a tight, round braid that is strong and sensitive. It is silky smooth, thin and soft, causing it to be quiet through the guides.   ·       Woven with 12 PE fibres for a tight, round braid that is strong, sensitive, smooth and quiet ·       Soft and limp for long, effortless casts ·       Knots clinch effortlessly and securely

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  • Veiðihornið 568 8410 Síðumúla 8, 108 Reykjavík

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