
Trampólín Z Thunder 12FT-INSIDE 374 cm Shipping by sea

Trampoline Z Thunder 12FT-INSIDE 374 cm A trampoline is the ideal leisure activity in the fresh air. It's a lot of fun, and you can really work out. The assembly is simple and it is suitable for both children and adults. Trampoline: Multigrade, 12ft waterproof by THUNDER®️. Size - Diameter (with posts) 374cm - 12ft. Grid type: internal. Height from the trampoline floor: 75 cm. Net height: 185 cm.…
Trampoline Z Thunder 12FT-INSIDE 374 cm A trampoline is the ideal leisure activity in the fresh air. It's a lot of fun, and you can really work out. The assembly is simple and it is suitable for both children and adults. Trampoline: Multigrade, 12ft waterproof by THUNDER®️. Size - Diameter (with posts) 374cm - 12ft. Grid type: internal. Height from the trampoline floor: 75 cm. Net height: 185 cm. Total height: 260cm. Number of legs: 4 double (U shape). Number of bars: 8 pcs.. Profile diameter: 25mm. Number of springs 72 pcs (hardened). All elements of the rack are galvanized inside and out. 2-step metal ladder. Mat sewing: sewing 6 times around the entire circumference. Spring cover: foam and waterproof PVC / PE. Entrance: Closed with zipper and snap buckles. Gratis: ladder, space for shoes.

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