
Disc Brake Cleaner | Hreinsiefni



  • ECO friendly, non-aerosol
  • Safe to use brake cleaner
  • Hand pumped spray included
Our disc brake cleaner uniquely contains no toxic chemicals and is safe and easy to use. Eco friendly, it's specially designed to be kind to skin. It's non aerosol and non-flammable so is safe to use eveywhere. Of course it's main aim is to clean your brake rotors …


  • ECO friendly, non-aerosol
  • Safe to use brake cleaner
  • Hand pumped spray included
Our disc brake cleaner uniquely contains no toxic chemicals and is safe and easy to use. Eco friendly, it's specially designed to be kind to skin. It's non aerosol and non-flammable so is safe to use eveywhere. Of course it's main aim is to clean your brake rotors perfectly every time, which it does. Eco disc brake cleaner includes spray nozzle.

    Water-based degreaser

    Eco friendly
    Will leave your brake rotors perfectly clean
    Designed to be gentle with your hands skin
    Non flamable and non aerosol
    One of a kind on the market


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  • Markið
    Markið 517 4600 Ármúla 40, 108 Reykjavík

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