
Neumann TLM 49

The TLM 49 brings back the vintage tone of Neumann’s post-war classics. The TLM 49 uses the same K 47 capsule and the iconic large headgrille design of Neumann’s legendary M 49, but instead of electron tubes the TLM 49 relies on trouble free FET circuitry with a special sound design for smooth vocals and acoustic instruments with timeless elegance. - SÉRPÖNTUN -
The TLM 49 brings back the vintage tone of Neumann’s post-war classics. The TLM 49 uses the same K 47 capsule and the iconic large headgrille design of Neumann’s legendary M 49, but instead of electron tubes the TLM 49 relies on trouble free FET circuitry with a special sound design for smooth vocals and acoustic instruments with timeless elegance. - SÉRPÖNTUN -

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