


Protect your belongings

The sisters' tablet sleeve is made of cotton, polyester, polyurethane and brass. It measures 20 x 26 cm. Anna and Clara believe practicality and aesthetics can go hand in hand in the most beautiful manner. "Protect your valuable belongings with wonderfully soft textile covers," Anna suggests with a smile. "This tablet sleeve is also quite decorative with its soft tex…

Protect your belongings

The sisters' tablet sleeve is made of cotton, polyester, polyurethane and brass. It measures 20 x 26 cm. Anna and Clara believe practicality and aesthetics can go hand in hand in the most beautiful manner. "Protect your valuable belongings with wonderfully soft textile covers," Anna suggests with a smile. "This tablet sleeve is also quite decorative with its soft texture."

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  • Söstrene Grene
    Söstrene Grene 544 2440 Fleiri en ein verslun

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