
Hundaleikfang - Kaðalbolti


For our four-legged friends

The sisters' dog toy is made of cotton and polyester and measures 35 cm. "Dogs are man's best friend," smiles Anna. She and Clara enjoy taking care of their loved ones' four-legged companions. The sisters make sure to have fun dog toys lying around, so the dogs have something to play with. "This rope ball is great fun," explains Anna as she throws it for the dog t…

For our four-legged friends

The sisters' dog toy is made of cotton and polyester and measures 35 cm. "Dogs are man's best friend," smiles Anna. She and Clara enjoy taking care of their loved ones' four-legged companions. The sisters make sure to have fun dog toys lying around, so the dogs have something to play with. "This rope ball is great fun," explains Anna as she throws it for the dog to fetch.

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