
Yardley Imperial Jasmine by Yardley London - Perfumed Talc 260 ml f. dömur

Yardley Imperial Jasmine by Yardley makes you want to close your eyes and let your senses make your imagination run wild. Bursting with the sweet and captivating aroma of jasmine blossoms, each whiff is like frolicking through a beautiful, aroma-filled garden while love is in full bloom. The jasmine and white florals delicately mingle with a seductive and warm base of musk and amber.
Yardley Imperial Jasmine by Yardley makes you want to close your eyes and let your senses make your imagination run wild. Bursting with the sweet and captivating aroma of jasmine blossoms, each whiff is like frolicking through a beautiful, aroma-filled garden while love is in full bloom. The jasmine and white florals delicately mingle with a seductive and warm base of musk and amber.

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