
Omnia Paraiba by Bvlgari - Shower Oil 100 ml f. dömur

Experience the serene divinity of this cool, refreshing scent of Omnia Paraiba by Bulgari. This tropical mist will let you escape the busy world of the city, bringing you to the relaxing scent of paradise. With the breeze of its scent that gently revitalizes the body, this fragrance will surely give you a one of a kind refreshing look.
Experience the serene divinity of this cool, refreshing scent of Omnia Paraiba by Bulgari. This tropical mist will let you escape the busy world of the city, bringing you to the relaxing scent of paradise. With the breeze of its scent that gently revitalizes the body, this fragrance will surely give you a one of a kind refreshing look.

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