
Demeter Mountain Laurel by Demeter - Cologne Spray (Unisex) 120 ml f. dömur

Take a deep breath and let the light, warm fragrance of Demeter Mountain Laurel perfume lift your spirits. This cheerful white floral scent draws its inspiration from a breathtaking mountain hike and features a single note of California bay laurel. A splash of this perfume lets you welcome the glorious days of spring and reminisce about your most uplifting outdoor excursions.
Take a deep breath and let the light, warm fragrance of Demeter Mountain Laurel perfume lift your spirits. This cheerful white floral scent draws its inspiration from a breathtaking mountain hike and features a single note of California bay laurel. A splash of this perfume lets you welcome the glorious days of spring and reminisce about your most uplifting outdoor excursions.

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