
Demeter Thunderstorm by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

A memorable, yet invigorating fragrance for women, Demeter Thunderstorm was launched in 2002 by Demeter. This scent delivers a subtle and refreshing earthy scent, with hints of patchouli, ozone, dirt and wet undertones that bring to mind favorite memories of thunderstorms and rain. Leaves behind a soft, but masculine punch that leaves passerby curious, intrigued and entranced.
A memorable, yet invigorating fragrance for women, Demeter Thunderstorm was launched in 2002 by Demeter. This scent delivers a subtle and refreshing earthy scent, with hints of patchouli, ozone, dirt and wet undertones that bring to mind favorite memories of thunderstorms and rain. Leaves behind a soft, but masculine punch that leaves passerby curious, intrigued and entranced.

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