
Demeter Kamikaze by Demeter - Cologne Spray (Unisex) 120 ml f. herra

Get intoxicated without taking a drink with Demeter Kamikaze by Demeter. Launched in 2019, a shot of this citrusy, sweet concoction will subtly entice others to come your way. Refreshing and revitalizing, this unisex fragrance bursts with a mesmerizing blend of vodka, orange liqueur and fresh lime.
Get intoxicated without taking a drink with Demeter Kamikaze by Demeter. Launched in 2019, a shot of this citrusy, sweet concoction will subtly entice others to come your way. Refreshing and revitalizing, this unisex fragrance bursts with a mesmerizing blend of vodka, orange liqueur and fresh lime.

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