
Demeter Cuba by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

Introduced as a member of the Destination Collection in 2015, Demeter Cuba by Demeter aims to take you away to the sunny shores of its namesake country. This fragrance is a tantalizing combination of the island’s most well-known exports with notes of sugar cane, sharp spices and earthy tobacco. A touch of rich vanilla and smoky whiskey provide depth.
Introduced as a member of the Destination Collection in 2015, Demeter Cuba by Demeter aims to take you away to the sunny shores of its namesake country. This fragrance is a tantalizing combination of the island’s most well-known exports with notes of sugar cane, sharp spices and earthy tobacco. A touch of rich vanilla and smoky whiskey provide depth.

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Upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar og villur. Upplýsingar á síðu söluaðila gilda.

Já notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Já uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Nánar um stefnuna og vefkökur hér.