
Demeter Black Ginger by Demeter - Cologne Spray (formerly Kahala )unboxed 120 ml f. dömur

Launched in 2012, Demeter Black Ginger is packed full of ginger, ginger flower and spices. Distinct for its spicy nature, the fragrance is both energizing and warming. If you&aposre looking for a long-lasting perfume that celebrates one of the most beloved roots in nature, turn to this full-bodied offering from Demeter.
Launched in 2012, Demeter Black Ginger is packed full of ginger, ginger flower and spices. Distinct for its spicy nature, the fragrance is both energizing and warming. If you&aposre looking for a long-lasting perfume that celebrates one of the most beloved roots in nature, turn to this full-bodied offering from Demeter.

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