
Demeter Bulgarian Rose by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

A timeless aphrodisiac and calming oil cultivated from Rosa damascena blossoms, Bulgarian rose has long been a much sought-after ingredient for the finest perfumes. Demeter Bulgarian Rose, crafted by the fragrance house of Demeter, bottles the intoxicating allure of a valley filled with the delicate and precious flowers. Soft, gentle and intoxicating, this floral scent emits a sense of romance.
A timeless aphrodisiac and calming oil cultivated from Rosa damascena blossoms, Bulgarian rose has long been a much sought-after ingredient for the finest perfumes. Demeter Bulgarian Rose, crafted by the fragrance house of Demeter, bottles the intoxicating allure of a valley filled with the delicate and precious flowers. Soft, gentle and intoxicating, this floral scent emits a sense of romance.

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