
Demeter Parsley by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

When the flowers begin to bloom and warmer weather appears, it is natural to want a perfume that is full of the fresh promise of spring. Demeter Parsley from Demeter is a deep, green perfume that evokes images of new leaves, gardens brimming with plants, and shaded lawns. The note of parsley is sharp and aromatic with a metallic hint that brings a refreshing quality to the perfume.
When the flowers begin to bloom and warmer weather appears, it is natural to want a perfume that is full of the fresh promise of spring. Demeter Parsley from Demeter is a deep, green perfume that evokes images of new leaves, gardens brimming with plants, and shaded lawns. The note of parsley is sharp and aromatic with a metallic hint that brings a refreshing quality to the perfume.

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