
Demeter Mulled Cider by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

A perfume that will instantly pull your mind into the holiday season, Demeter Mulled Cider is a unisex fragrance from Demeter that was released in 2009. Notes of red apple are prominent in this composition, providing a bright sweetness that is enhanced by notes of sugar. Cinnamon mixes with a blend of spicy notes that are perfect for warming up the cold autumn or winter air.
A perfume that will instantly pull your mind into the holiday season, Demeter Mulled Cider is a unisex fragrance from Demeter that was released in 2009. Notes of red apple are prominent in this composition, providing a bright sweetness that is enhanced by notes of sugar. Cinnamon mixes with a blend of spicy notes that are perfect for warming up the cold autumn or winter air.

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