
Demeter Hyacinth by Demeter - Cologne Spray (Unisex) 120 ml f. dömur

Demeter Hyacinth is a 2018 unisex floral fragrance produced by the Demeter Fragrance Library. This fragrance note comes from the well-known spring perennial that blooms clusters of tiny pink, white, violet and blue flowers. Hyacinth takes its name from Greek mythology – a Spartan hero whom the Olympian god Apollo loved dearly.
Demeter Hyacinth is a 2018 unisex floral fragrance produced by the Demeter Fragrance Library. This fragrance note comes from the well-known spring perennial that blooms clusters of tiny pink, white, violet and blue flowers. Hyacinth takes its name from Greek mythology – a Spartan hero whom the Olympian god Apollo loved dearly.

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