
Demeter Fraser Fir by Demeter - Cologne Spray (Unboxed) 120 ml f. dömur

Classified as woody aromatic unisex fragrance, Demeter Fraser Fir captures the rustic beauty of this classic American evergreen. Named for the familiar tree species native to the Appalachian region, its scent effortless evokes the holiday season with a single fir note. Inspired by the forest and freshly cut Christmas trees, this fresh creation offers a crisp green balsamic aroma that’s a refreshi…
Classified as woody aromatic unisex fragrance, Demeter Fraser Fir captures the rustic beauty of this classic American evergreen. Named for the familiar tree species native to the Appalachian region, its scent effortless evokes the holiday season with a single fir note. Inspired by the forest and freshly cut Christmas trees, this fresh creation offers a crisp green balsamic aroma that’s a refreshing pick-me-up for day or night.

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