
90210 Black Jeans by Torand - Eau De Toilette Spray 100 ml f. herra

If you are looking for a contemporary cologne that is both sophisticated and unique, 90210 Black Jeans is a signature scent that is perfect for casual occasions as well as formal affairs. The base notes of this fragrance are a spicy combination of tobacco, nutmeg, and black pepper. Soothing aromas like lavender and tonka are featured in the middle to complement vibrant overtones of lemon and cash…
If you are looking for a contemporary cologne that is both sophisticated and unique, 90210 Black Jeans is a signature scent that is perfect for casual occasions as well as formal affairs. The base notes of this fragrance are a spicy combination of tobacco, nutmeg, and black pepper. Soothing aromas like lavender and tonka are featured in the middle to complement vibrant overtones of lemon and cashmere.

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