
Demeter Clover by Demeter - Cologne Spray (Unisex) 120 ml f. herra

From the Pennsylvania Demeter Fragrance Library, which specializes in fragrances featuring nature's diverse and distinctive aromas and scents, comes Demeter Clover. Built on its single note of clover, the fragrance features floral, green and sweet accords. A moderately long-lasting scent with a moderate sillage, it's ideal for daytime use in the spring and summer months.
From the Pennsylvania Demeter Fragrance Library, which specializes in fragrances featuring nature's diverse and distinctive aromas and scents, comes Demeter Clover. Built on its single note of clover, the fragrance features floral, green and sweet accords. A moderately long-lasting scent with a moderate sillage, it's ideal for daytime use in the spring and summer months.

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