
Demeter Bubble Gum by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

Embrace the sweet carefree innocence of youth with a bottle of Demeter Bubble Gum. Designed by perfumer Demeter, known for its more than 300 unique single-scented fragrances, this perfume bursts with the lively and fun aroma of bubble gum. The first spritz takes one back to childhood, bringing alive memories of blowing the biggest bubble and laughing with friends.
Embrace the sweet carefree innocence of youth with a bottle of Demeter Bubble Gum. Designed by perfumer Demeter, known for its more than 300 unique single-scented fragrances, this perfume bursts with the lively and fun aroma of bubble gum. The first spritz takes one back to childhood, bringing alive memories of blowing the biggest bubble and laughing with friends.

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