


Lovely yarn creations

After a day filled with all sorts of chores and errands, Clara enjoys a tranquil moment in the company of her current crochet projects. With the crochet hook in her hand and her shoulders relaxed, she senses how both body and mind find peace. "New balls of yarn are to the needleworker what a blank canvas is to the artist," as Anna and Clara like to say. “Through bold …

Lovely yarn creations

After a day filled with all sorts of chores and errands, Clara enjoys a tranquil moment in the company of her current crochet projects. With the crochet hook in her hand and her shoulders relaxed, she senses how both body and mind find peace. "New balls of yarn are to the needleworker what a blank canvas is to the artist," as Anna and Clara like to say. “Through bold and innovative colour combinations the unique is fostered," Anna adds. The sisters' wool yarn is made of superwash wool and weighs 50 g.

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