
Clive Christian No. 1 by Clive Christian - Perfume Spray 50 ml f. dömur

Clive Christian No. 1 was not only the debut of the British label’s luxury perfume line, but it was also heralded as reaching the highest degree of opulence that a scent could possibly achieve. Crafted from the finest ingredients in the world, the women’s version boasts a blend of sweet, powdery, woody, spicy and balsamic accords that’s sensual, feminine and bold.
Clive Christian No. 1 was not only the debut of the British label’s luxury perfume line, but it was also heralded as reaching the highest degree of opulence that a scent could possibly achieve. Crafted from the finest ingredients in the world, the women’s version boasts a blend of sweet, powdery, woody, spicy and balsamic accords that’s sensual, feminine and bold.

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