
Sauvage by Christian Dior - Deodorant Stick 77 ml f. herra

Christian Dior
Unleash your inner savage and be the alpha of the pack with Sauvage by Dior. This remix of the 1996 Eau Sauvage is a modern take of the original’s fresh, ferocious fragrance. Inspired by the fierce plains and wild open spaces of feral lands, Sauvage would unleash your unruly side with its primal and breezy scent.
Unleash your inner savage and be the alpha of the pack with Sauvage by Dior. This remix of the 1996 Eau Sauvage is a modern take of the original’s fresh, ferocious fragrance. Inspired by the fierce plains and wild open spaces of feral lands, Sauvage would unleash your unruly side with its primal and breezy scent.

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