
Clive Christian L by Clive Christian - Pure Perfume Spray 50 ml f. dömur

Imbued with the same sophistication and luxury as other scents in this British designer’s perfume line, Clive Christian L for women pleases the wearer with a floral fruity fragrance that’s multilayered and nuanced, with a small kick of spice to make things exciting. The blend opens with the bitter and green essence of artemisia, along with a blend of pink, black and white peppers. After this, the…
Imbued with the same sophistication and luxury as other scents in this British designer’s perfume line, Clive Christian L for women pleases the wearer with a floral fruity fragrance that’s multilayered and nuanced, with a small kick of spice to make things exciting. The blend opens with the bitter and green essence of artemisia, along with a blend of pink, black and white peppers. After this, the heart blooms with a sweet, intoxicating combination of damask rose and jasmine.

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