
Ajmal Mizyaan by Ajmal - Concentrated Perfume Oil (Unisex) 14 ml f. dömur

The mystique of the old world melds with contemporary pizazz to create the alluring Ajmal Mizyaan. Released in 2009 by Ajmal, this bold and vibrant scent features Oriental and woody scents reminiscent of ancient times fused with a complex floral bouquet that complements the modern woman. A touch of sweet and salty saffron mixes with other spices, which delight the senses.
The mystique of the old world melds with contemporary pizazz to create the alluring Ajmal Mizyaan. Released in 2009 by Ajmal, this bold and vibrant scent features Oriental and woody scents reminiscent of ancient times fused with a complex floral bouquet that complements the modern woman. A touch of sweet and salty saffron mixes with other spices, which delight the senses.

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