
Bois Du Portugal by Creed - Millesime Eau De Parfum Spray (unboxed) 248 ml f. herra

Upon glancing at a bottle of Bois Du Portugal by Creed, buyers might notice that the word millesime appears on the bottle. This marks fragrances that are made only with the best crops of the scent note contributors each year. The expertly-grown and selected top notes in this fragrance include bergamot, and is followed by a simple middle not of lavender.
Upon glancing at a bottle of Bois Du Portugal by Creed, buyers might notice that the word millesime appears on the bottle. This marks fragrances that are made only with the best crops of the scent note contributors each year. The expertly-grown and selected top notes in this fragrance include bergamot, and is followed by a simple middle not of lavender.

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