
Demeter Cannabis Flower by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

Bob Marley famously said that cannabis can be the healing of a nation. Demeter Cannabis Flower fully embodies this wonderful belief in a fragrance that perfectly captures the smell of hydroponically-grown, Humboldt-county marijuana; no seeds or stems in this bottle! There’s a delightful floral note with undertones of smoke, green leaves and sweet herbs for an unforgettable aroma that tells the wo…
Bob Marley famously said that cannabis can be the healing of a nation. Demeter Cannabis Flower fully embodies this wonderful belief in a fragrance that perfectly captures the smell of hydroponically-grown, Humboldt-county marijuana; no seeds or stems in this bottle! There’s a delightful floral note with undertones of smoke, green leaves and sweet herbs for an unforgettable aroma that tells the world you are approachable and laid-back.

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