
Tiffany & Love by Tiffany - Eau De Toilette Spray 90 ml f. herra

Tiffany & Love is a strong, aromatic cologne for men who live for the outdoors. This fragrance was created by Tiffany in 2019 and features top notes of mandarin orange, ginger and cardamom for a unique citrusy and spicy opening. At the middle are evergreen notes of cypress and juniper that give a pinelike aroma that is dry and fresh.
Tiffany & Love is a strong, aromatic cologne for men who live for the outdoors. This fragrance was created by Tiffany in 2019 and features top notes of mandarin orange, ginger and cardamom for a unique citrusy and spicy opening. At the middle are evergreen notes of cypress and juniper that give a pinelike aroma that is dry and fresh.

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