
Nirvana Rose by Elizabeth and James - Eau De Parfum Spray (unboxed) 50 ml f. dömur

Launched by the successful American fashion brand owned by celebrity twins Mary Kate and Ashley Olson in 2016, Nirvana Rose by Elizabeth and James is a floral perfume for women. This perfume is perfect for evening wear and special events, yet subtle enough for every day wear. The fragrance consists of fresh and fragrant May rose, juxtaposed with warm and earthy vetiver.
Launched by the successful American fashion brand owned by celebrity twins Mary Kate and Ashley Olson in 2016, Nirvana Rose by Elizabeth and James is a floral perfume for women. This perfume is perfect for evening wear and special events, yet subtle enough for every day wear. The fragrance consists of fresh and fragrant May rose, juxtaposed with warm and earthy vetiver.

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