
A Scent by Issey Miyake - Eau De Toilette Spray 150 ml f. dömur

Issey Miyake
The minimalist fragrances of this Japanese designer inspired an entire genre of fragrance in the 90s. This is a minimalist, simple and clear fragrance for women. The scent was composed by perfumer Daphne Bugner, who deftly blends stronger notes of jasmine, hyacinth and cedar with the fresh notes of French verbena and lemon.
The minimalist fragrances of this Japanese designer inspired an entire genre of fragrance in the 90s. This is a minimalist, simple and clear fragrance for women. The scent was composed by perfumer Daphne Bugner, who deftly blends stronger notes of jasmine, hyacinth and cedar with the fresh notes of French verbena and lemon.

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