
Demeter Fireplace by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

There’s nothing like being in a log cabin, curled up in front of the fireplace as a snowstorm beats its light staccato on the window. Demeter Fireplace perfume smells exactly like this: the smell of freshly clean wool sweaters and blankets; the heady aroma of glowing birch and oak embers; a hint of evergreen and spices from cocoa or tea. This woody scent takes you right there to the cozy, relaxed…
There’s nothing like being in a log cabin, curled up in front of the fireplace as a snowstorm beats its light staccato on the window. Demeter Fireplace perfume smells exactly like this: the smell of freshly clean wool sweaters and blankets; the heady aroma of glowing birch and oak embers; a hint of evergreen and spices from cocoa or tea. This woody scent takes you right there to the cozy, relaxed mood as you and your friends warm up after a day of fun in the snow.

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