
Demeter Flower Show by Demeter - Cologne Spray 120 ml f. dömur

The smell of fresh-cut flowers; a street lined with roses, their fresh-cut stems giving a natural, green scent, and the soft petals dripping with mist. Demeter Flower Show perfume perfectly recreates this incredible scent by copying the world-famous Philadelphia Flower Show in all its glory. A delightful fragrance, it’s very floral with hints of tea rose, gardenia, jasmine and carnations, among m…
The smell of fresh-cut flowers; a street lined with roses, their fresh-cut stems giving a natural, green scent, and the soft petals dripping with mist. Demeter Flower Show perfume perfectly recreates this incredible scent by copying the world-famous Philadelphia Flower Show in all its glory. A delightful fragrance, it’s very floral with hints of tea rose, gardenia, jasmine and carnations, among many others.

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