
Jo Malone Honeysuckle & Davana by Jo Malone - Cologne Spray (Unboxed) 100 ml f. dömur

Lazy springtime days and butterflies feasting on newly-bloomed honeysuckle come to mind with one breath of this fresh, floral scent. Jo Malone Honeysuckle & Davana combines many natural elements to make one unforgettable fragrance. Davana, a spicy green plant that has a wine-like alcoholic aroma, is the main note.
Lazy springtime days and butterflies feasting on newly-bloomed honeysuckle come to mind with one breath of this fresh, floral scent. Jo Malone Honeysuckle & Davana combines many natural elements to make one unforgettable fragrance. Davana, a spicy green plant that has a wine-like alcoholic aroma, is the main note.

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Já notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Já uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Nánar um stefnuna og vefkökur hér.