
Adventures in Wonderland: Alices Tea Party + Cocktails

Smith Street Books og Julia Murray
“We’re all mad here!”
Want to throw your own
Alice in Wonderland –themed garden party? This beautiful deck of cards contains cocktails and sweet and savory finger food, as well as guides to invitations, venue ideas, what to wear, place settings, decorations, conversation starters, party games, and riddles to know and tell.
Whether you’re going full Mad Hatter or just want to enjoy a…
“We’re all mad here!”
Want to throw your own
Alice in Wonderland –themed garden party? This beautiful deck of cards contains cocktails and sweet and savory finger food, as well as guides to invitations, venue ideas, what to wear, place settings, decorations, conversation starters, party games, and riddles to know and tell.
Whether you’re going full Mad Hatter or just want to enjoy a quirky cocktail in a china teapot with friends, you’ll find everything you need down this rabbit hole—including recipes for garden-party classics such as a Pimm’s royale, a cucumber gin spritz, baked figs, goat cheese–and-tomato galettes, and lemon madeleines.

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  • Salka
    Salka bókabúð og útgáfa 776 2400 Hverfisgötu 89-93, 101 Reykjavík

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