
Cowl merino blend

Bitte Kai Rand

Bitte Kai Rand trefill

Nánari lýsing: "This knit scarf stands out thanks to the thin ribbons that create a beautiful effect as they wrap around your neck. It's perfect for upgrading a basic blouse or dress to create a graphic, personal style while staying cosy."

Efnislýsing: 50 merinó ull og 50% pólýester

Bitte Kai Rand trefill

Nánari lýsing: "This knit scarf stands out thanks to the thin ribbons that create a beautiful effect as they wrap around your neck. It's perfect for upgrading a basic blouse or dress to create a graphic, personal style while staying cosy."

Efnislýsing: 50 merinó ull og 50% pólýester

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  • Hjá Hrafnhildi
    Hjá Hrafnhildi 581 2141 Engjateigi 5, 105 Reykjavík

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