
Frame Floor Mirror

Stellar Works

Frame Floor Mirror

Made to order
Dispatched within 8-10 weeks

An L-shaped steel frame that can be hung on a wall.

Suitable as a towel bar, holding a mirror at two points, and as a shelf if the gap is filled, its simple structure belies the consequent ability to perform multiple roles. Smaller, circular mirrors as well as elliptical mirrors are available…

Frame Floor Mirror

Made to order
Dispatched within 8-10 weeks

An L-shaped steel frame that can be hung on a wall.

Suitable as a towel bar, holding a mirror at two points, and as a shelf if the gap is filled, its simple structure belies the consequent ability to perform multiple roles. Smaller, circular mirrors as well as elliptical mirrors are available, and they can be used in any combination with shelves or towel bars. There are also floor mirrors, to be used not only as full-length mirrors but also as garment racks.


W670 x D395 x H1375mm

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