
Færanleg plastfata fyrir penslahreinsun


This multifunctional brush washer is perfect for the cleaning and storage of brushes.
It has two fitting, removable containers inside of it, a palette, and a lid. The grip can be used as a stand for brushes.

  • perfect all-in-one tool for travel and studio work
  • Diameter: 17 cm
  • Height: 15 cm
  • Two removable containers
  • Palette, that fits under lid
  • Grip with brush…

This multifunctional brush washer is perfect for the cleaning and storage of brushes.
It has two fitting, removable containers inside of it, a palette, and a lid. The grip can be used as a stand for brushes.

  • perfect all-in-one tool for travel and studio work
  • Diameter: 17 cm
  • Height: 15 cm
  • Two removable containers
  • Palette, that fits under lid
  • Grip with brush stand function

Verslaðu hér

  • Art supplies 888 1490 Laugarnesvegi 74a, 105 Reykjavík

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