
Tímaritahilla NORR 79x36x13 eik

The Norr magazine holder combines functionality and aesthetics, as you can revitalize magazines, small decorations and books by arranging and displaying them on the wall. A leather ribbon is connecting the inside of the frame in untreated oak and holds the displayed items closely together until next time you need them. Hönnun: Ditte Buus Nielsen Stærð: (WXDXH): 75x10x35 Efniviður: OAK, LEATHER, B…
The Norr magazine holder combines functionality and aesthetics, as you can revitalize magazines, small decorations and books by arranging and displaying them on the wall. A leather ribbon is connecting the inside of the frame in untreated oak and holds the displayed items closely together until next time you need them. Hönnun: Ditte Buus Nielsen Stærð: (WXDXH): 75x10x35 Efniviður: OAK, LEATHER, BRASS

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