
L:a Bruket Ilmstangir · Coriander 200ml

L:A Bruket

The therapeutic properties of Aetheroleum coriandri is traditionally known to give emotional relief, strengthen the thought process and chase away anxiety. The scent of coriander and mint leaves has a mind warming effect that will entice spiritual and emotional inspiration to linger for long.

Stærð 200 ml.

The therapeutic properties of Aetheroleum coriandri is traditionally known to give emotional relief, strengthen the thought process and chase away anxiety. The scent of coriander and mint leaves has a mind warming effect that will entice spiritual and emotional inspiration to linger for long.

Stærð 200 ml.

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  • DIMM
    Dimm 519 4251 Ármúla 44, 108 Reykjavík

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