
Pink Poodle

Old World Christmas

In the Fifties and Sixties, many stylish women were obsessed with poodles, and often went so far as to dye them to match their outfits! Doris Day had 6 vegetable-dyed poodles in her 1952 movie "April in Paris. " Poodles of all shapes, colors and haircuts were seen in fashion, the movies and in home d cor. Our Pink Poodle blown-glass ornament is an adorable addition to any Christmas tree!

In the Fifties and Sixties, many stylish women were obsessed with poodles, and often went so far as to dye them to match their outfits! Doris Day had 6 vegetable-dyed poodles in her 1952 movie "April in Paris. " Poodles of all shapes, colors and haircuts were seen in fashion, the movies and in home d cor. Our Pink Poodle blown-glass ornament is an adorable addition to any Christmas tree!

3.25 X 2.25 X 2 (HxLxW)

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  • Hildur Yeoman
    Yeoman tískuvöruverslun 519 8889 Laugavegi 7, 101 Reykjavík

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