
Honor Skegg kambur

Honor Initiative

Skeggkambur sem hjálpa þér að móta og halda skegginu snyrtilegu.
Mjög gott að nota hann einnig til að dreifa skeggolíu vel um skeggið

Við gefum 5% af söluvirði hverrar seldrar Honor vöru til Geðhjálpar

Helstu atriði

■ SIZE: 140mm / 5.5in long & 32mm / 1.25" high
■ MATERIAL: Carbon Fiber
STYLE: Model 1
■ U…

Skeggkambur sem hjálpa þér að móta og halda skegginu snyrtilegu.
Mjög gott að nota hann einnig til að dreifa skeggolíu vel um skeggið

Við gefum 5% af söluvirði hverrar seldrar Honor vöru til Geðhjálpar

Helstu atriði

■ SIZE: 140mm / 5.5in long & 32mm / 1.25" high
■ MATERIAL: Carbon Fiber
STYLE: Model 1
■ USE: All hair types

Hver eru Honor Initiative

What We Do.

Short and sweet, we are a husband and wife duo who make high quality, locally sourced, small batch beard products and we raise money and awareness for men's mental health. A portion of our proceeds go to handpicked organizations that represent our goals, values, and mission. We make grooming products and we make a difference.

Everyone has struggled with something in their life. Whether it's learning to tie your shoes or ride a bike or grow a beard, we know that everyone has their own trials and tribulations on this crazy adventure we call life. Sometimes the world feels really heavy and our goal is truly to expand a community of individuals to make sure everyone knows they are not alone. We're here to provide quality beard products to our bearded brothers and make a positive impact. By bringing to light the importance of mental health specifically for men, we hope to make someone's world a brighter place.

Your bearded friend,
Chad, CEO & Founder

**This product contains tree nut oils and other natural botanicals. If you have allergies, please consult with your physician before using.

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