
Ark Vases

Origin Made

Ark Vases

Designed by Norm Architecs | Handcrafted by João Monteiro

The Ark vase is a result of the fascination for architectural elements - staircases, archways, the rhythm and repetitive aspect of classical architecture. It represents the beauty of architectural details as individual archetypes, while still maintaining a functional purpose as a vase. Combining the raw materia…

Ark Vases

Designed by Norm Architecs | Handcrafted by João Monteiro

The Ark vase is a result of the fascination for architectural elements - staircases, archways, the rhythm and repetitive aspect of classical architecture. It represents the beauty of architectural details as individual archetypes, while still maintaining a functional purpose as a vase. Combining the raw materiality of thick-walled porcelain with a crystal glass insert, the vase has a sculptural identity and can be displayed in various ways, on its own or in combination with another.

Production: Portugal

Material: Porcelain and Crystal Glass

Small: 128 L x 64 W x 140 H mm
Large: 128 L x 64 W x 200 H mm

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Upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar og villur. Upplýsingar á síðu söluaðila gilda.

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