HYDR-OIL are water-soluble oil paints . These paints are water-soluble and don't need to be diluted with toxic and odorous solvents like turpentine. The consistency and properties are similar to those of regular oil paints, as they consist mainly of vegetable oils:
HYDR-OIL are water-soluble oil paints . These paints are water-soluble and don't need to be diluted with toxic and odorous solvents like turpentine. The consistency and properties are similar to those of regular oil paints, as they consist mainly of vegetable oils:
The drying process of these paints, as in the case of traditional oil paints, occurs through the oxidation of certain bonds in molecular chains. These linear chains slowly bind together through the absorbed oxygen to form a three-dimensional, and therefore solid structure with high light reflection power, thus giving the bright and intense colour appearance typical for oil paints. It is important that even if the colours seem to be dry - to the touch them after some time. Varnishes can be applied after one or two months. HYDR-OIL are mixable with many other auxiliary additives and oil paints.
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