

Fur Collar with Suede Leather Fringe | Silver Fox Dyed Blue One Size The Adda collar is a playful and stylish fox fur collar. Golden chain with a hook, providing adjustable length options, accentuated by suede leather fringe adorned with decorative gold beads, adding extra dazzle. Available in a range of colour ways, each designed to elevate your look. How to clean: Brushing the hairs on your pro…
Fur Collar with Suede Leather Fringe | Silver Fox Dyed Blue One Size The Adda collar is a playful and stylish fox fur collar. Golden chain with a hook, providing adjustable length options, accentuated by suede leather fringe adorned with decorative gold beads, adding extra dazzle. Available in a range of colour ways, each designed to elevate your look. How to clean: Brushing the hairs on your product will keep them soft and fluffy. If you happen to stain your fur, try wiping it off with a damp cloth, not wet. Be careful not to use too much water and leave the fur to dry at room temperature. To finish, brush the hairs and your fur will look brand new.

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