
LAGURUS OVARTUS þurrkuð strá

Dried Deco
Lagurus ovatus or Bunny Tails or sometimes even Hare"s Tail grass are a perfect ornamental grass for drying. They look fantastic when just dried naturally but also colour really well too. It is originally from the Mediterranean region and we have production in Holland but also source in Italy too. We love to combine these with Triticum ‘black wisps’, Delphinium or daisies (Acroclinium) for exam…
Lagurus ovatus or Bunny Tails or sometimes even Hare"s Tail grass are a perfect ornamental grass for drying. They look fantastic when just dried naturally but also colour really well too. It is originally from the Mediterranean region and we have production in Holland but also source in Italy too. We love to combine these with Triticum ‘black wisps’, Delphinium or daisies (Acroclinium) for example.

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  • Snúran
    Snúran ehf 537 5101 Ármúla 38, 108 Reykjavík

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